Well, it's been 20 days since I blogged here. I suppose an explanation is warranted!
I ended up making an appointment to see the physical therapist I saw last November. I also decided to take a break from running, just walking instead, to let my IT band area heal.
I ended up cancelling the PT appointment due to a sick kid, but I decided not to reschedule. I think with just walking, there is a good chance that time will heal this injury. I'm taking the wait-and-see approach right now, hoping I don't have to go back to the doctor, but open to that if necessary.
I've been walking two to three times a week the last few weeks. It's going pretty well. I feel like my leg is gradually improving, but it's definitely gradual. I'm hoping after a few more weeks, things will be much better.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Run #250
Started with .3 miles walking. Then 1.7 miles of 2 minute run/1 minute walk intervals.Then knee was feeling a little achy so I walked the last mile. This is run #250 for me, and I said if my IT band wasn't doing well by now, I'd go back and get help. I'm not sure...it's getting BETTER but not doing WELL yet. Just not sure what to do.
Edited to add...Decided to call the chiropractor. I'll pick up the phone when their office opens. We have plenty of money in our health savings account and I'm ready to spend some of it trying to get this worked out.
3.07 miles, 39:04 (12:43/mile)
Edited to add...Decided to call the chiropractor. I'll pick up the phone when their office opens. We have plenty of money in our health savings account and I'm ready to spend some of it trying to get this worked out.
3.07 miles, 39:04 (12:43/mile)
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Run #249
Walked for most of the first half, and then realized I needed to go a little faster to get home in time for hubs to leave for work! So I started alternating sprint intervals & walking. My leg feels good when I'm sprinting. Overall my IT band was just feeling a little off today, and I think all the walking with a bit of sprinting was a good combo. (When I tried to run more slowly my IT band quickly got that "barely achy" feeling so I stopped.)
After my next run I'll determine whether or not to check out that chiropractor my friend has been telling me about.
I'm considering this a run even though I walked for so much of it. I figure I got training and cardio benefits from the sprint intervals.
2.8 miles, 37:30 (13:23/mile)
After my next run I'll determine whether or not to check out that chiropractor my friend has been telling me about.
I'm considering this a run even though I walked for so much of it. I figure I got training and cardio benefits from the sprint intervals.
2.8 miles, 37:30 (13:23/mile)
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Run #248
I'm back to running...but using an incredibly conservative IT band recovery plan which involves plenty of walking. It seems to be working.
I started with a 1 mile walk, then switched to my normal 4 minute run/1 minute walk strategy for 20 minutes. I felt a little tightness and stopped so it didn't turn into pain. I walked another mile or so, then ran for the last 6 minutes.
My leg feels great. It's hard to embrace walking, but I need to--for now, at least. It seems to be a very good way to get in some miles while still letting my leg recover. I look forward to the day when I don't have to be so careful though!
4.21 miles, 1:00:37 (14:23/mile)
I started with a 1 mile walk, then switched to my normal 4 minute run/1 minute walk strategy for 20 minutes. I felt a little tightness and stopped so it didn't turn into pain. I walked another mile or so, then ran for the last 6 minutes.
My leg feels great. It's hard to embrace walking, but I need to--for now, at least. It seems to be a very good way to get in some miles while still letting my leg recover. I look forward to the day when I don't have to be so careful though!
4.21 miles, 1:00:37 (14:23/mile)
Thursday, June 2, 2011
A nice walk
Well, my leg CONTINUED to hurt all week--I haven't run since last Thursday. I decided it's silly to just stay home; I'll walk instead of running while this is healing. Being on my feet (not running) seems to help me get better.... I was doing great after 10 1/2 miles at Relay for Life! So I think walking is an excellent recovery option.
I have a new running partner--excited about that! Well, for now she's a walking partner.... She doesn't mind walking once a week, as past foot surgery has left her limited on how much she can run anyway. So we did a nice walk. I got my exercise in, felt like my leg loosened up, and enjoyed a nice morning.
A friend has told me about great success she had at a chiropractor for her ITBS. I've been hesitant to go back for more work on it because with our health insurance, doctor visit costs add up very fast (high deductible.) But I plan to try to run again when this is definitely feeling good, and if it's not really doing well by Run #250 I'll probably try her doctor.
3 miles(ish), 50 minutes(ish)
I have a new running partner--excited about that! Well, for now she's a walking partner.... She doesn't mind walking once a week, as past foot surgery has left her limited on how much she can run anyway. So we did a nice walk. I got my exercise in, felt like my leg loosened up, and enjoyed a nice morning.
A friend has told me about great success she had at a chiropractor for her ITBS. I've been hesitant to go back for more work on it because with our health insurance, doctor visit costs add up very fast (high deductible.) But I plan to try to run again when this is definitely feeling good, and if it's not really doing well by Run #250 I'll probably try her doctor.
3 miles(ish), 50 minutes(ish)
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Run #247
I joined up with a local group to run, but my IT band cramped up and I had to drop back and walk for most of the last half. Always hard to know what causes that, but I know one thing--I need my walk breaks. They let me alternate what muscle groups I'm using. No more running without walk breaks until I'm totally past this.
Frustrating when I thought I was mostly past this....
4.37 miles, 1:03 (14:24/mile)
Frustrating when I thought I was mostly past this....
4.37 miles, 1:03 (14:24/mile)
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Run #246
Hooray, a medium-ish distance run! It's so nice to be able to do that again. I will say, this run just didn't feel great today. Humid, not enough energy, legs kinda achy for whatever reason. But my IT band did quite well. Tightened a bit but no pain at all. Some runs just aren't that easy, and that's okay.
I did a blog post on my main blog with an update on my barefoot running...well, really, my lack thereof. I've embraced minimalism at this point, and it seems to be the right place for me. The post explains more, and includes a call for all runners to hold hands under a rainbow, unified by drinking Coke. Or something like that.
4.72 miles, 51:42 (10:57/mile)
I did a blog post on my main blog with an update on my barefoot running...well, really, my lack thereof. I've embraced minimalism at this point, and it seems to be the right place for me. The post explains more, and includes a call for all runners to hold hands under a rainbow, unified by drinking Coke. Or something like that.
4.72 miles, 51:42 (10:57/mile)
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Run #245
YIPPEE! My IT band felt normal today--as in, I just really didn't feel it. Not only was it not painful; it wasn't "achy" or "tight" either. I'm SO happy that it is finally feeling normal again after a month and a half of trouble! I think I'll try 5 miles or so this weekend...nothing too long, but long enough to make me feel like I'm getting in a good weekend run. I'm thrilled!
I'd hoped it would be cease being a problem by Run #250. If today is any indication, I didn't have to wait that long! I've noticed the last couple of days that when I roll the area, it's sometimes hard to even find tight spots to roll; it's gotten so loose. And I think the inflammation that was so easily making it sore must have finally healed too. Such a great feeling.
2.91 miles, 30:00 (10:18/mile)
I'd hoped it would be cease being a problem by Run #250. If today is any indication, I didn't have to wait that long! I've noticed the last couple of days that when I roll the area, it's sometimes hard to even find tight spots to roll; it's gotten so loose. And I think the inflammation that was so easily making it sore must have finally healed too. Such a great feeling.
2.91 miles, 30:00 (10:18/mile)
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Run #244
This was yesterday (forgot to log it then.) I was happy to be able to do my normal, hilly 5K without my IT band cramping! It was a little tight, but such an improvement. I really AM recovering. (Yay!) And it was beautiful weather--nice to have a break from the heat.
3.1 miles, 31:15 (10:05/mile)
3.1 miles, 31:15 (10:05/mile)
Monday, May 16, 2011
Run #243
I participated in Relay For Life last weekend. I did 10 1/2 miles, and probably 2 1/2 or 3 were running (short spurts, in between all the walking.) My full recap is here.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Run #242
Okay, the weather was pretty miserable--73 degrees, 94% humidity. Not adjusted to that yet this year! But I'll take humidity over pain ANY day, and my IT band felt better than it's felt in a couple of weeks.
The form change (slightly higher knees) plus all the other stuff...reduced mileage, rolling, stretching, strengthening--all seems to be coming together, and I think by next week I'll be back to my normal 5K route, and soon after that, some longer runs again.
A little stiff afterward, but it's just SO improved over where it was. Hip hip hooray!
2.47 miles, 26:07 (10:34/mile)
The form change (slightly higher knees) plus all the other stuff...reduced mileage, rolling, stretching, strengthening--all seems to be coming together, and I think by next week I'll be back to my normal 5K route, and soon after that, some longer runs again.
A little stiff afterward, but it's just SO improved over where it was. Hip hip hooray!
2.47 miles, 26:07 (10:34/mile)
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Run #241
I started with some high-knee drills, and during the run, I focused on lifting my knees just a bit. I feel like my upper legs are working harder, but it somehow takes the stress off my IT band, and it doesn't hurt to run that way--so I'll keep doing it, and it'll get easier. IT band still very slightly achy when I stopped running, but not during. Stretched during every walk break. Healing slowly but surely.
2 miles, 24:11 (12:05/mile)
2 miles, 24:11 (12:05/mile)
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Run #240
I ran to Starbucks this morning, and my IT band held up pretty well. It was tightening up near the end, but no actual pain, and stopping to stretch it was helpful!
I decided to walk home. It actually got pretty achy during the walk, but at the end I switched to grass instead of sidewalks, and it loosened up. I'm going to do as much grass running as I can during my runs as I continue to work through this.
Today's run made me feel like my IT band is improving even though it's a slow improvement. I'm thankful for EVERY mile I can run or walk!
Run: 2.21 miles, 23:09 (10:28/mile)
Walk: 2.29 miles, 44:15 (19:19/mile)
Total: 4.6 miles, 1:07:24 (14:39/mile)
I decided to walk home. It actually got pretty achy during the walk, but at the end I switched to grass instead of sidewalks, and it loosened up. I'm going to do as much grass running as I can during my runs as I continue to work through this.
Today's run made me feel like my IT band is improving even though it's a slow improvement. I'm thankful for EVERY mile I can run or walk!
Run: 2.21 miles, 23:09 (10:28/mile)
Walk: 2.29 miles, 44:15 (19:19/mile)
Total: 4.6 miles, 1:07:24 (14:39/mile)
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Run #239
Still trying to get past the IT band stuff. I'm really working hard on getting my legs loose & strong so even though I'm not running much, I'm staying active doing other exercises. When I do run, I'm experimenting with form changes to see what helps. It's frustrating to me that it's taking so long to get past this (had to stop and walk after awhile today) but I'm definitely learning about my body and I'm determined to be stronger in the long run. I'll get that mileage back up eventually!
Hmm, I wonder if it's reasonable to hope that this is worked out by Run #250? I think so. That'll be about 4-5 weeks from now.
At this point I feel like I have so much good advice, and I'm putting it into practice. Targeted strengthening plus whole-body strengthening. Form (minimizing side-to-side motion of hips, etc.) Effective rolling techniques. The one thing I could add back in is physical therapy, where he could do Active Release Technique on me again. But that gets expensive very quickly, so I really want to get past this without PT if I can, even if it takes a little longer. If I seem to plateau for too long, though, I'll probably head back to the doc.
2.57 miles (not sure on time.)
Hmm, I wonder if it's reasonable to hope that this is worked out by Run #250? I think so. That'll be about 4-5 weeks from now.
At this point I feel like I have so much good advice, and I'm putting it into practice. Targeted strengthening plus whole-body strengthening. Form (minimizing side-to-side motion of hips, etc.) Effective rolling techniques. The one thing I could add back in is physical therapy, where he could do Active Release Technique on me again. But that gets expensive very quickly, so I really want to get past this without PT if I can, even if it takes a little longer. If I seem to plateau for too long, though, I'll probably head back to the doc.
2.57 miles (not sure on time.)
Run #238
Oops, forgot to log this run here! It was last Thursday (4/28):
Still taking the conservative approach as I work through the rest of the IT band stuff. I did feel tight today. But I've found a way to slightly alter my gait down stairs that helps. (I'm up and down the stairs at home a lot!) And yesterday I found some tight spots in my quad that weren't getting totally worked out with the foam roller, but I'm getting to them with the massage ball.
I'm definitely doing better, but it may take a little while before I am totally past this and can bring my mileage back up. Today I did 2 minute run/1 minute walk segments, hoping the faster running + extra walking would help the leg. Don't feel like it helped, but considering that the running segments were at a faster-than-usual pace, I think this was good for training. I'll probably do this 2:1 run/walk ratio occasionally for that reason, even though overall it's slower.
2.31 miles, 26 minutes (11:13/mile)
Still taking the conservative approach as I work through the rest of the IT band stuff. I did feel tight today. But I've found a way to slightly alter my gait down stairs that helps. (I'm up and down the stairs at home a lot!) And yesterday I found some tight spots in my quad that weren't getting totally worked out with the foam roller, but I'm getting to them with the massage ball.
I'm definitely doing better, but it may take a little while before I am totally past this and can bring my mileage back up. Today I did 2 minute run/1 minute walk segments, hoping the faster running + extra walking would help the leg. Don't feel like it helped, but considering that the running segments were at a faster-than-usual pace, I think this was good for training. I'll probably do this 2:1 run/walk ratio occasionally for that reason, even though overall it's slower.
2.31 miles, 26 minutes (11:13/mile)
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Run #237
Whew, it was humid out there! My IT band felt good today, which was such a relief. :) It's just a tiny, tiny bit sore now, but I think it's 90-95% recovered. I'm glad I've brought my mileage down; it's helped a lot. Feels good to be consistently doing strengthening exercises too. Looking forward to running MORE soon though!
3.1 miles, 30:37 (9:52/mile)
3.1 miles, 30:37 (9:52/mile)
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Run #236
Because of my new strategy for getting my IT band healthy again ("Be cautious instead of being stupid"--a good strategy), I decided to forego a long run today. Instead my 5-year-old and I ran/walked to Starbucks together. Lots of distraction & whining (from her!) during the run, but we finally came to an understanding--She's allowed to stop and pick flowers or pick up roly-poly bugs during our 1-min walk breaks if she runs the whole way during our 2-min run intervals. Thanks to this plan, she finished the run strong.
My IT band is actually getting a lot better. I could still feel that it's not 100% during the run today, but when I'm just walking around the house & up and down the stairs it's doing quite well. So I think I'm close to being mended (again.)
2.24 miles, 46:04 (20:33/mile)
My IT band is actually getting a lot better. I could still feel that it's not 100% during the run today, but when I'm just walking around the house & up and down the stairs it's doing quite well. So I think I'm close to being mended (again.)
2.24 miles, 46:04 (20:33/mile)
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Run #235
I had great energy and was making great time, but about 2 1/2 miles in my IT band was getting achy. Why? Because a couple of times lately I've run through the pain, and I SHOULDN'T HAVE. So I've learned my lesson. I walked the rest of the way.
I hate that this is an issue again, but at least I've learned that I have to be willing to stop when it STARTS hurting instead of trying to run through it. Hopefully I'll get past it (again!) soon.
I'm trying to be more consistent with my strength training so that I can get my legs & core stronger, which should help. And of course I'm rollin', rollin', rollin'.
3.1 miles, 35:43 (11:31/mile)
I hate that this is an issue again, but at least I've learned that I have to be willing to stop when it STARTS hurting instead of trying to run through it. Hopefully I'll get past it (again!) soon.
I'm trying to be more consistent with my strength training so that I can get my legs & core stronger, which should help. And of course I'm rollin', rollin', rollin'.
3.1 miles, 35:43 (11:31/mile)
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Run #234
Wow, perfect running weather! This was a great run, lots of energy. Great way to start the weekend!
I'm proud of my distance--not because it was far, but because it was shorter than I wanted it to be. I had 2 possibilities of Starbucks locations I could stop at. (Yes, we have LOTS of Starbucks in the 'burbs.) I stopped at the first because my IT band was telling me it's not quite recovered from my too-long run two weeks ago. So I listened, and now my IT band is fine. I'm glad I made myself stop. In another week or so I can probably do a longer run if I want to!
6.38 miles, 1:09:34 (10:54/mile)
I'm proud of my distance--not because it was far, but because it was shorter than I wanted it to be. I had 2 possibilities of Starbucks locations I could stop at. (Yes, we have LOTS of Starbucks in the 'burbs.) I stopped at the first because my IT band was telling me it's not quite recovered from my too-long run two weeks ago. So I listened, and now my IT band is fine. I'm glad I made myself stop. In another week or so I can probably do a longer run if I want to!
6.38 miles, 1:09:34 (10:54/mile)
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Run #233
Heavy legs, tired body, side cramps, humidity. Just reminding myself of my running mantra:
Hard runs build endurance. Easy runs build motivation. Every run builds my body, mind, and soul.
(This was definitely in the hard run category.)
3.1 miles, 31:59 (10:19/mile)
Hard runs build endurance. Easy runs build motivation. Every run builds my body, mind, and soul.
(This was definitely in the hard run category.)
3.1 miles, 31:59 (10:19/mile)
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Run #232
What a nice, relaxing run. I was running later in the morning than usual, and by the end it was low 70s and very sunny. Warmer than I like, but it certainly didn't ruin it. I've pushed so much lately, for both distance and speed, that I needed a run like this--slow, with a couple of stops (water & bathroom), with my IT band feeling good again.
Transitioning to summer running is going to be so much easier this year. Most of my runs in the summer will probably be in the low 70s like today. The sun will generally be lower in the sky (since I usually run much earlier) but that will be balanced out by much higher humidity. I really was okay with the weather today--as opposed to last year, when it was getting warmer and I felt like I was going to DIE, before I adjusted to it! But last year as summer approached, I'd only been running for 6 months, and my endurance wasn't near what it is now. It's nice to look summer in the face, and say, "Yeah, I can take you on!" (Early in the morning, anyway! I'm NOT a 100 degree runner!!)
I realized I've had PRs in the 1 mile, 5K, & 10K distances, plus a distance PR of 14 miles, all in the last 3 weeks or so. And as great as that sounds, my legs took a beating--I just pushed too hard. So today it was wonderful to enjoy running for the sake of running, not trying to break any records.
Transitioning to summer running is going to be so much easier this year. Most of my runs in the summer will probably be in the low 70s like today. The sun will generally be lower in the sky (since I usually run much earlier) but that will be balanced out by much higher humidity. I really was okay with the weather today--as opposed to last year, when it was getting warmer and I felt like I was going to DIE, before I adjusted to it! But last year as summer approached, I'd only been running for 6 months, and my endurance wasn't near what it is now. It's nice to look summer in the face, and say, "Yeah, I can take you on!" (Early in the morning, anyway! I'm NOT a 100 degree runner!!)
I realized I've had PRs in the 1 mile, 5K, & 10K distances, plus a distance PR of 14 miles, all in the last 3 weeks or so. And as great as that sounds, my legs took a beating--I just pushed too hard. So today it was wonderful to enjoy running for the sake of running, not trying to break any records.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Run #230 (Blue Bell Fun Run 1 Miler)
As a family we took a trip to the Blue Bell Fun Run today (with Blue Bell Ice Cream afterward!) Chickie, my 5-year-old, did the 1-mile race, and I ran it with her. For the full race report with photos, check out my other blog!
1 mile(?), 10:01
1 mile(?), 10:01
Run #231: Blue Bell Fun Run 5K (PR!)
Today was the Blue Bell Fun Run 5K, and I got a PR!
After my 14-miler last weekend my IT band was not happy. I didn't run all week, and it was doing much better today. It was a little sore during my run, but never really cramped up. I'm glad that I did the 5K instead of the 10K though. It'll probably be back to normal in a few days.
For the full race report including photos, check out my other blog.
3.1 miles, 29:06 (9:23/mile)
After my 14-miler last weekend my IT band was not happy. I didn't run all week, and it was doing much better today. It was a little sore during my run, but never really cramped up. I'm glad that I did the 5K instead of the 10K though. It'll probably be back to normal in a few days.
For the full race report including photos, check out my other blog.
3.1 miles, 29:06 (9:23/mile)
Sunday, April 3, 2011
A "recovery walk"
Headed out this morning with my 5-year-old for a short "recovery run" after yesterday's long run. It ended up being mostly a walk. My IT band is mad at me for pushing so far yesterday. Oops. Looks like some RICE (Rest/Ice/Compression/Elevation) and rolling are in order and I expect I'll be fine in a week or less. I have realized if I'm going to push through discomfort like I did yesterday, I should only do it on race days. Not worth it to lose training this week just because I was stubborn yesterday.
0.67 miles
0.67 miles
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Run #229
First time ever running 14 miles. 6 miles in, my IT band was cramping up but I tried a new way to deal with it, and it worked. I took an extended walk break (maybe 12 minutes) and then switched to 1 minute fast running/1 minute walking. The fast runs stretched my legs, and the walks gave my muscles a break. After a little while I was able to have longer run segments though I still walked more than usual. Not an easy run but very enjoyable.
I incorporated about 1 or 1.5 miles barefoot in the middle. I'm still finding that running barefoot on concrete & asphalt can lead to me feeling like I have stone bruises in the pads of my feet. Same thing I dealt with last fall when I switched to 100% minimalist shoes, but this isn't nearly as bad as it was then. I'm just going to be really careful about two things: how quickly I rebuild my barefoot mileage, and where I step. (Stepping the balls of my feet on sidewalk cracks makes it worse.)
If I need to do most of my miles minimalist instead of barefoot, even all summer long, that's fine. Being barefoot even for a short time reminds me of what a gentler form feels like, and I think some of that sticks around when I put the Vibrams back on.
13.98 miles, 2:48:36 (12:03/mile)
I incorporated about 1 or 1.5 miles barefoot in the middle. I'm still finding that running barefoot on concrete & asphalt can lead to me feeling like I have stone bruises in the pads of my feet. Same thing I dealt with last fall when I switched to 100% minimalist shoes, but this isn't nearly as bad as it was then. I'm just going to be really careful about two things: how quickly I rebuild my barefoot mileage, and where I step. (Stepping the balls of my feet on sidewalk cracks makes it worse.)
If I need to do most of my miles minimalist instead of barefoot, even all summer long, that's fine. Being barefoot even for a short time reminds me of what a gentler form feels like, and I think some of that sticks around when I put the Vibrams back on.
13.98 miles, 2:48:36 (12:03/mile)
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Run #228
I'm sore from Sunday's race (VERY hilly course), so I took it easy today. I'm also reincorporating barefoot mileage. My form has not been as gentle as I'd like in my Vibrams lately. So I did almost 2 miles barefoot. My soles needed a break after that, so I put on my Vibrams for the rest. Being barefoot felt good; I like the feel of my feet exposed, nice and cool in the morning air.
3.1 miles, 33:19 (10:44/mile)
One of my soles after my barefoot run today (mostly on sidewalks)--furthest I've gone barefoot since last fall:
3.1 miles, 33:19 (10:44/mile)
One of my soles after my barefoot run today (mostly on sidewalks)--furthest I've gone barefoot since last fall:

Sunday, March 27, 2011
Run #227: 10K race!
6.2 miles, 59:32 (9:36/mile)
Full race report here.
And a report of the fun running sweatbands I bought here...complete with very silly photos. (I wore the purple one for the race.)
Full race report here.
And a report of the fun running sweatbands I bought here...complete with very silly photos. (I wore the purple one for the race.)
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Run #226 (1 mile PR!)
I hadn't done a mile for time in quite awhile, so I did today--fastest ever! I sandwiched it between a slow warm-up run & a run with Chickie.
APPETIZER: 1.36 mile warm-up, 15:03 (11:03/mile)
MAIN COURSE: 1 mile, 8:28 (Personal Record mile time! Woo hoo!)
DESSERT: 1.03 miles with Chickie (my 5-year-old), 17:59 (17:27/mile)
Overall: 3.39 miles, 41:30 (12:14/mile)
APPETIZER: 1.36 mile warm-up, 15:03 (11:03/mile)
MAIN COURSE: 1 mile, 8:28 (Personal Record mile time! Woo hoo!)
DESSERT: 1.03 miles with Chickie (my 5-year-old), 17:59 (17:27/mile)
Overall: 3.39 miles, 41:30 (12:14/mile)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Run #225
Great run this morning! I've decided that since running 5 or 6 miles on weekdays only requires getting up a little earlier than running 3 or 4...I want a lot of my weekday runs to be longer. It's more fun and is an easy way to bump up my weekly mileage a bit. Since I only run 3 days a week, might as well make those days worthwhile!
5.52 miles, 58:07 (10:31/mile)
5.52 miles, 58:07 (10:31/mile)
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Run #224
Perfect way to start the weekend! It's starting to get warmer, but not HOT yet, and starting in the dark means the sun isn't high even at the end of the run.
I felt like I hydrated well and got enough calories today, so I didn't feel totally beat at the end, and I still feel good several hours later.
There were plenty of hills on this route--so much more fun/interesting than flat ground. I'm glad to live where I do.
10.11 miles, 1:51:57 (11:04/mile)
I felt like I hydrated well and got enough calories today, so I didn't feel totally beat at the end, and I still feel good several hours later.
There were plenty of hills on this route--so much more fun/interesting than flat ground. I'm glad to live where I do.
10.11 miles, 1:51:57 (11:04/mile)
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Run #223
I am SO proud of my 5-year-old! This was her first 5K! Last time we tried it she ended up in the stroller with her brother for a little while. She worked so hard. We did a 2 minute run/1 minute walk pattern (with some extra walking thrown in here and there.) I told her we can do a 5K race together if she wants, now that she can go that far! Sure, it was twice as slow as I usually go...but my kid did 5K, and I am PROUD! :)
3.1 miles, 59:32 (19:12/mile)
3.1 miles, 59:32 (19:12/mile)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
My new running mantra
Hard runs build my endurance.
Easy runs build my motivation.
All runs build my body, mind, and soul.
Easy runs build my motivation.
All runs build my body, mind, and soul.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Run #222
I figured I should make use of the spaghetti I had for dinner last night, so I did a longer-than-usual weekday run. I had so much energy! Hubs & I are doing a 10K on the 27th. My race goal is 10:15 a mile, and today was 10:19 a mile. Woo hoo!
Run #222...kind of a fun number.
With the time change, my weekday runs will be mostly in the dark for awhile. Good thing I enjoy running in Vibrams, because I don't run barefoot in the dark. Some parts of my route were uncomfortably dark--couldn't see where I was stepping (especially with headlights in my eyes.) Oh well, as summer comes closer, there will be more and more light.
6.2 miles, 1:04:03 (10:19/mile)
Run #222...kind of a fun number.
With the time change, my weekday runs will be mostly in the dark for awhile. Good thing I enjoy running in Vibrams, because I don't run barefoot in the dark. Some parts of my route were uncomfortably dark--couldn't see where I was stepping (especially with headlights in my eyes.) Oh well, as summer comes closer, there will be more and more light.
6.2 miles, 1:04:03 (10:19/mile)
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Run #221
This type of run is what makes me love running. Long, easy pace, beautiful weather, roads I've never run on before, ending with Frappuccino at Starbucks. Could there be a better way to start the weekend?!
I took off my shoes for one 4-minute running segment, then put them right back on. The weather was great for it today, but I really wasn't in the mood for the hyper-awareness that's necessary for barefoot running. (I have to really keep my eyes down when I'm barefoot so I don't step on any sharp rocks, etc.) To me, if I'm going to be barefoot, it has to be because I WANT to be. Maybe I'm turning into more of a minimalist runner than a barefoot runner...and that's okay.
There will be days where I'm in the mood to feel the ground under my feet, or I want the training benefits that come from being barefoot, and on those days I'll go for it. And there will be days like today where I just want to run without thinking too much about what's under my feet, and I'll wear my thin shoes for that. Running is fun...and I aim to keep it that way!
7.68 miles, 1:25:56 (11:11/mile)
I took off my shoes for one 4-minute running segment, then put them right back on. The weather was great for it today, but I really wasn't in the mood for the hyper-awareness that's necessary for barefoot running. (I have to really keep my eyes down when I'm barefoot so I don't step on any sharp rocks, etc.) To me, if I'm going to be barefoot, it has to be because I WANT to be. Maybe I'm turning into more of a minimalist runner than a barefoot runner...and that's okay.
There will be days where I'm in the mood to feel the ground under my feet, or I want the training benefits that come from being barefoot, and on those days I'll go for it. And there will be days like today where I just want to run without thinking too much about what's under my feet, and I'll wear my thin shoes for that. Running is fun...and I aim to keep it that way!
7.68 miles, 1:25:56 (11:11/mile)
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Run #220
Beautiful, cool morning! I had great energy and was able to push myself this morning. Wonderful way to start the day!
3.1 miles, 29:41 (9:34/mile)
3.1 miles, 29:41 (9:34/mile)
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Run #219
I was definitely lacking energy today--but don't you think it's those runs that build physical and mental endurance? So it may have been a tired run, but it was a good one. Low 60s and HUMID (80%). Lots of sweat today. It's not warm for good yet, but days like today will help me transition into summer running.
IT band did great!! I did stop and stretch it once and I really probably didn't even need to do that.
5 miles, 53:24 (10:40/mile)
IT band did great!! I did stop and stretch it once and I really probably didn't even need to do that.
5 miles, 53:24 (10:40/mile)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Run #218
I had good energy tonight. It was dark though--not much moon. Some of my route was poorly-chosen with no sidewalks and too much traffic for my liking. So I slowed down when I needed to. It was a good run, but I just never feel 100% safe running at night.
I planned to go further but felt like my leg was tightening up a bit. I decided not to push it. My IT band has done so well the last couple of runs; I'd hate to irritate it again. Plus, the darkness was just annoying. It's weird--I don't mind too much running in the dark in the morning, but in the evening it freaks me out a little bit.
Looking forward to some good runs this week!
4.73 miles, 51:58 (10:59/mile)
I planned to go further but felt like my leg was tightening up a bit. I decided not to push it. My IT band has done so well the last couple of runs; I'd hate to irritate it again. Plus, the darkness was just annoying. It's weird--I don't mind too much running in the dark in the morning, but in the evening it freaks me out a little bit.
Looking forward to some good runs this week!
4.73 miles, 51:58 (10:59/mile)
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Run #217
Hooray! My IT band was loose again, and I had plenty of energy. It feels so good to be back below 10 minutes a mile. Another beautiful day, nice and cool without much wind. I saw a friend driving as I ran. Seeing someone I know wave at me as I run gives me a little extra energy!
I am so happy that I didn't freak out about my IT band issue this time. When I was sick, I decided to lay around and skip my rolling for a few days, knowing that might result in a tight IT band. But I figured it was worth it. I needed the rest, and I know what to do when I get tight. So I expected the tightness and knew it wasn't something to panic about. Because I usually keep that area loose, it's gotten a lot easier to fix it when it does give me problems.
It's nice to have some perspective on my "problem area" instead of getting so emotional about it when it misbehaves! At this point it's a chronic problem, but it's one that I know how to manage. And I think eventually I'll be strong enough and loose enough that IT band issues will be a distant memory.
3.1 miles, 30:10 (9:43/mile)
I am so happy that I didn't freak out about my IT band issue this time. When I was sick, I decided to lay around and skip my rolling for a few days, knowing that might result in a tight IT band. But I figured it was worth it. I needed the rest, and I know what to do when I get tight. So I expected the tightness and knew it wasn't something to panic about. Because I usually keep that area loose, it's gotten a lot easier to fix it when it does give me problems.
It's nice to have some perspective on my "problem area" instead of getting so emotional about it when it misbehaves! At this point it's a chronic problem, but it's one that I know how to manage. And I think eventually I'll be strong enough and loose enough that IT band issues will be a distant memory.
3.1 miles, 30:10 (9:43/mile)
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Run #216
Lots of stopping & stretching of the IT band. I think it's better than it was Saturday and that it'll be nice and loose again soon. Still feel like I'm getting my energy back after being sick too. So...not a fast or easy run, but it's just nice to be out there in the cool morning!
It was chilly again this morning, so I was in my Vibrams. It was interesting running barefoot the other day--it felt so great. I have gotten so used to wearing Vibrams that I wasn't sure I'd want to do a lot of barefoot running anymore. I thought I might have become a primarily-minimalist runner who goes barefoot occasionally. But feeling how good the ground felt under my feet on Saturday, I'm guessing I'll end up being barefoot quite a bit this spring and summer! My husband and I are doing a 10K at the end of March. I may do it barefoot, but we'll see.
3.1 miles, 37:02 (11:56/mile)
It was chilly again this morning, so I was in my Vibrams. It was interesting running barefoot the other day--it felt so great. I have gotten so used to wearing Vibrams that I wasn't sure I'd want to do a lot of barefoot running anymore. I thought I might have become a primarily-minimalist runner who goes barefoot occasionally. But feeling how good the ground felt under my feet on Saturday, I'm guessing I'll end up being barefoot quite a bit this spring and summer! My husband and I are doing a 10K at the end of March. I may do it barefoot, but we'll see.
3.1 miles, 37:02 (11:56/mile)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Run #215 (Part A & Part B)
These were my first runs in a week and a half. First my kids were sick (and keeping me up at night); then I got sick. So...time to ease back into things now that I'm healthy again!
Part A:
My IT band was tight, so I walked a lot and cut the run short. I knew it might have tightened up while I was sick. Not too much of a worry; I'll get it loosened up again this week. Came home & rolled it, and got ready for my big run with Chickie (my five-year-old)!
I was barefoot for a good portion of this run & of my run with Chickie, probably for about a mile and a half total. Nice to have the shoes off again--feels good on my feet! I was mostly on the sidewalk. My feet aren't as tender as I thought; I hope it won't take too long to get them truly re-conditioned for longer barefoot runs.
Part B:
Chickie wanted to run to Starbucks with me! We probably ran at least half the time, which is great for her little legs at this distance!! My IT band was tight and achy but never got TOO painful.
At Starbucks we played Jenga, which we both loved.

When hubs & Zoodle picked us up, we went and bought our own Jenga to play at home!
Part A: 1.15 miles, 17:15 (15:00/mile)
Part B: 2.24 miles, 42:24 (18:55/mile)
Part A:
My IT band was tight, so I walked a lot and cut the run short. I knew it might have tightened up while I was sick. Not too much of a worry; I'll get it loosened up again this week. Came home & rolled it, and got ready for my big run with Chickie (my five-year-old)!
I was barefoot for a good portion of this run & of my run with Chickie, probably for about a mile and a half total. Nice to have the shoes off again--feels good on my feet! I was mostly on the sidewalk. My feet aren't as tender as I thought; I hope it won't take too long to get them truly re-conditioned for longer barefoot runs.
Part B:
Chickie wanted to run to Starbucks with me! We probably ran at least half the time, which is great for her little legs at this distance!! My IT band was tight and achy but never got TOO painful.
At Starbucks we played Jenga, which we both loved.

When hubs & Zoodle picked us up, we went and bought our own Jenga to play at home!
Part A: 1.15 miles, 17:15 (15:00/mile)
Part B: 2.24 miles, 42:24 (18:55/mile)
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Run #214
This run never got EASY but I think that's good for building psychological endurance. I decided that since we're having so many warm days, it's time to ease back into barefoot running. But I chose a rougher portion of asphalt and quickly realized my soles have completely lost their barefoot conditioning! I made it less than 2 minutes and put my Vibrams back on. I'll keep doing a little at a time and hopefully regain those tough soles soon. I just want the freedom to run barefoot on decent surfaces when I want to, and to run in minimalist shoes when I want to.
5 miles, 52:26 (10:29/mile)
5 miles, 52:26 (10:29/mile)
Monday, February 14, 2011
Run #213
This run wasn't about speed; I just wanted a nice, easy, long run. It was beautiful outside, mid- to high-50s, perfect for short sleeves & shorts. I ran in an area I don't usually run, and I really enjoyed the fresh scenery/streets. All in all, a lovely long run.
(The run was Saturday evening--finally remembering to blog it!)
9.66 miles, 1:51:34 (11:32/mile)
(The run was Saturday evening--finally remembering to blog it!)
9.66 miles, 1:51:34 (11:32/mile)
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Run #211 & Run #212
I forgot to log my run on Tuesday, so playing a little catch-up tonight!
Tuesday (Run #211):
I woke up at 6 and REALLY didn't want to get up to run. Then I remembered...my friend Ann was coming over with her kids for a playdate, and we were planning on her running while I watched all the kids. So...I did the same! We both got to run with free childcare without getting up early, and when the weather was starting to get warmer for the day. Hooray for friends supporting each others' fitness!
I really pushed hard during the run. I think this was my 2nd fastest 5K. Talk about a great aerobic (and at the end, anaerobic!) workout!
3.1 miles, 29:37 (9:33/mile, BOOYAH!)
Thursday (Run #212):
This was just really a great run. I like the 5(ish) mile distance--about halfway into the run, I was totally warmed up, which made me feel fantastic and energetic the last couple of miles.
4.77 miles, 49:37 (10:24/mile)
Tuesday (Run #211):
I woke up at 6 and REALLY didn't want to get up to run. Then I remembered...my friend Ann was coming over with her kids for a playdate, and we were planning on her running while I watched all the kids. So...I did the same! We both got to run with free childcare without getting up early, and when the weather was starting to get warmer for the day. Hooray for friends supporting each others' fitness!
I really pushed hard during the run. I think this was my 2nd fastest 5K. Talk about a great aerobic (and at the end, anaerobic!) workout!
3.1 miles, 29:37 (9:33/mile, BOOYAH!)
Thursday (Run #212):
This was just really a great run. I like the 5(ish) mile distance--about halfway into the run, I was totally warmed up, which made me feel fantastic and energetic the last couple of miles.
4.77 miles, 49:37 (10:24/mile)
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Run #210
Really fantastic run! Legs felt great; plenty of energy; beautiful, sunny, cool weather.
And I'm going to add something that falls under the "TMI" category, but I think it's a good thing for women to talk about. I think that running on the first day of my cycle is a fantastic thing for me. I've heard multiple times that running can help with cramps. Thankfully I don't get bad cramps, but I do usually get mild ones, and I think that the endorphins help tremendously. (Advil helps tremendously too!) And on a day when I might want to sit around and be grumpy, moving helps me feel great instead.
Of course, women are all different, and some women have really difficult physical side effects during their cycles, sometimes bad enough that exercise isn't possible/practical. But for the majority of us, I think that exercise is a great way to feel more normal on the day or two of every month when we are most likely to wish we weren't women!
6.61 miles, 1:13:58 (11:11/mile)
And I'm going to add something that falls under the "TMI" category, but I think it's a good thing for women to talk about. I think that running on the first day of my cycle is a fantastic thing for me. I've heard multiple times that running can help with cramps. Thankfully I don't get bad cramps, but I do usually get mild ones, and I think that the endorphins help tremendously. (Advil helps tremendously too!) And on a day when I might want to sit around and be grumpy, moving helps me feel great instead.
Of course, women are all different, and some women have really difficult physical side effects during their cycles, sometimes bad enough that exercise isn't possible/practical. But for the majority of us, I think that exercise is a great way to feel more normal on the day or two of every month when we are most likely to wish we weren't women!
6.61 miles, 1:13:58 (11:11/mile)
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Run #209
Wow...the race Sunday was around 70 degrees. Today? 30 degrees, 19 windchill. Imagine, if you will, a short, skinny runner with stiff, post-race legs, trying to run uphill into gusting wind without being blown away like a tumbleweed. Makes for a great workout (but not a great pace!)
I am SO glad I didn't have to run a half marathon in this weather.
3.1 miles, 35:02 (11:18/mile)
I am SO glad I didn't have to run a half marathon in this weather.
3.1 miles, 35:02 (11:18/mile)
Monday, January 31, 2011
Run #208: 3M Half Marathon
Yesterday I did half marathon #2! It was so fun. You can read the full race report on my other blog.
13.1 miles, 2:19:17 (10:37/mile, wooo hooo!)
13.1 miles, 2:19:17 (10:37/mile, wooo hooo!)
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Run #207
Great run in the cool darkness! I experimented with a 6 minute run/1 minute walk ratio. It slowed me down. Looks like 5/1 or 4/1 are better for me at this distance. Still, glad to feel good on my last pre-half-marathon run! My half is on Sunday morning, and it looks like the temps will be perfect...if it will only stay dry (30% chance of rain)!
3.1 miles, 32:29 (10:28/mile)
3.1 miles, 32:29 (10:28/mile)
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Run #206
What a great run! It was sunny and warm (for winter). My body felt good--just what I needed. My allergies have been really annoying me but after running for awhile I actually felt much better than I did before the run. Only 2 runs this week...glad they were both good ones!
2nd official half marathon is in 8 days, so it's time to start tapering.
8.33 miles, 1:36:01 (11:31/mile)
2nd official half marathon is in 8 days, so it's time to start tapering.
8.33 miles, 1:36:01 (11:31/mile)
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
No marathon for me (at least not now)
I wrote on my other blog today about why I've chosen not to train for a marathon, at least not now...and why "half" is complete! Read about it here.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Run #205
Long run, with drizzle or sprinkles the whole way. But it was in the 40s and I was warm enough. Overall, a good run. IT band tightened up near the end and I had to stop and stretch a lot. But then it loosened up again and I was able to finish strong.
10.65 miles, 2:07:23 (11:57/mile)
10.65 miles, 2:07:23 (11:57/mile)
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Run #204
The temp was about at the freezing point (cold for this area!) I bundled up, so I felt pretty warm, but it took me awhile to feel like my body could get loosened up. My upper body was actually overdressed. (I tend to forget how warm the fleece is that I was wearing--it's the liner of a ski jacket!) My toes were the only part that got pretty cold--even with toesocks on. Vibrams keep the toes separated...which means colder. Anyway, it was a very good, if slow, run.
4.83 miles, 55:26 (11:28/mile)
4.83 miles, 55:26 (11:28/mile)
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Run #203
This was a great run with my almost-5-year-old! We did a 2 minute running/1 minute walking strategy, which worked really well for her. It was a good, easy run for me--I'm still feeling the effects of Saturday's long run. It's fun to run with my girl!
Oh, and...dang, it's COLD out there. 34 degrees/30 degree windchill, which is cold for our warm city!
1.66 miles, 28:32 (17:11/mile)
Oh, and...dang, it's COLD out there. 34 degrees/30 degree windchill, which is cold for our warm city!
1.66 miles, 28:32 (17:11/mile)
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Run #202
I was in the mood for a long run. I didn't plan a route, but had 10-ish miles in mind, assuming my body cooperated. But it was going so well, I decided to extend it. I was THRILLED when I came back and mapped it...a little longer than a half marathon, at a pace over 30 sec/mile faster than my race pace was!
The run/walk strategy really works for me. I did a 4 minute run/1 minute walk ratio, and I think that's a good ratio for me for long runs. I did stretch my IT band several times during walk breaks. It held up really well, getting quite a bit tighter at the end, but never cramping up. Overall, my body felt really good during the run, though I was very tired at the end. I'm definitely not fit enough for a half marathon to be "no big deal" yet...and despite my ice bath, I'll be sore tomorrow too!
13.31 miles, 2:28:46 (11:10/mile!)
The run/walk strategy really works for me. I did a 4 minute run/1 minute walk ratio, and I think that's a good ratio for me for long runs. I did stretch my IT band several times during walk breaks. It held up really well, getting quite a bit tighter at the end, but never cramping up. Overall, my body felt really good during the run, though I was very tired at the end. I'm definitely not fit enough for a half marathon to be "no big deal" yet...and despite my ice bath, I'll be sore tomorrow too!
13.31 miles, 2:28:46 (11:10/mile!)
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Run #201
I didn't get to run early, so instead I put Zoodle (almost 3 yrs) in the jogging stroller and took Chickie (almost 5 yrs) along for the run. She had a hard time--we've never gone this far before--but I was so proud! She rode in the stroller about half a mile in the middle, but the rest of the time she ran and walked. She said she never wants to go that far again!
It's a lot harder running with the stroller (especially that half mile with BOTH kids)--all the resistance, plus the altered running form. I won't do it often, but it was a good change today--and a good way to get in my workout and spend time with the kids.
3.1 miles, 47:45 (15:24/mile)--This is actually a great pace for Chickie, and it was fast enough to give me a good cardio workout with the added resistance of the stroller.
It's a lot harder running with the stroller (especially that half mile with BOTH kids)--all the resistance, plus the altered running form. I won't do it often, but it was a good change today--and a good way to get in my workout and spend time with the kids.
3.1 miles, 47:45 (15:24/mile)--This is actually a great pace for Chickie, and it was fast enough to give me a good cardio workout with the added resistance of the stroller.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Run #200! Also, Nathan Trek Holster water bottle waistpack review.
Wow...run #200!
I'm not sure on my distance--it MAY have been a little further than I recorded, but I couldn't remember exactly what route I took when I came back to map it! Anyway, I needed this run. I've been so frustrated with the IT band stuff.
I took some good advice my dad gave and used a lot of my "walk breaks" to stretch, since that actually seems to help the IT band. (He actually suggested using the first walk break to stretch--but I stretched during most of my walk breaks today, because with the issues I've been having I wanted to be really sure I stayed loose.) And I ended up feeling so good that I lengthened my run (originally planned to run 30 minutes!) Hooray! As I got tighter near the end I decided to be cautious and come home...but I think my recovery from vacation is going great!
Quick review:

I used my new Nathan Trek Holster 22-ounce water bottle/waistpack today. It was a gift from my Daily Mile Secret Santa. The bottle is in the back, angled so it's easy to grab. In general I didn't find it as comfortable as my Camelbak hydration backpack since it doesn't spread the weight on as large of a square surface, but it was definitely comfy enough. I got to where I forgot it was there--and I remember that it took awhile to get used to my Camelbak, so I'll probably find this more comfortable as I wear it more. It bounced a little but that is actually a good cue to me, to have a less-bouncy stride.
What I did like is that the gear pocket in it is easier to get to than the ones in the Camelbak. Also I think it'll be great for summer, not having my back totally covered--and sometimes the straps on the Camelbak chafe me when I'm wearing sleeveless shirts, so the waistpack won't have that problem. I also appreciate that when I get home I can just take the bottle out and drink from it instead of carrying my backpack around the house to finish up my drink! And the colors (shown above, gray and light purple) are really pretty, definitely my style.
I'd feel comfortable wearing the Nathan if I'm walking around all day long, like if I'm visiting another city and doing the tourist thing. I think it stands out less than the Camelbak for non-running usage.
So the Nathan won't replace my Camelbak, but I'll switch back and forth between the two, depending on the situation. I'm glad to have it as another piece of running gear!
6.12 miles, 1:13:30 (12:00/mile)
I'm not sure on my distance--it MAY have been a little further than I recorded, but I couldn't remember exactly what route I took when I came back to map it! Anyway, I needed this run. I've been so frustrated with the IT band stuff.
I took some good advice my dad gave and used a lot of my "walk breaks" to stretch, since that actually seems to help the IT band. (He actually suggested using the first walk break to stretch--but I stretched during most of my walk breaks today, because with the issues I've been having I wanted to be really sure I stayed loose.) And I ended up feeling so good that I lengthened my run (originally planned to run 30 minutes!) Hooray! As I got tighter near the end I decided to be cautious and come home...but I think my recovery from vacation is going great!
Quick review:

I used my new Nathan Trek Holster 22-ounce water bottle/waistpack today. It was a gift from my Daily Mile Secret Santa. The bottle is in the back, angled so it's easy to grab. In general I didn't find it as comfortable as my Camelbak hydration backpack since it doesn't spread the weight on as large of a square surface, but it was definitely comfy enough. I got to where I forgot it was there--and I remember that it took awhile to get used to my Camelbak, so I'll probably find this more comfortable as I wear it more. It bounced a little but that is actually a good cue to me, to have a less-bouncy stride.
What I did like is that the gear pocket in it is easier to get to than the ones in the Camelbak. Also I think it'll be great for summer, not having my back totally covered--and sometimes the straps on the Camelbak chafe me when I'm wearing sleeveless shirts, so the waistpack won't have that problem. I also appreciate that when I get home I can just take the bottle out and drink from it instead of carrying my backpack around the house to finish up my drink! And the colors (shown above, gray and light purple) are really pretty, definitely my style.
I'd feel comfortable wearing the Nathan if I'm walking around all day long, like if I'm visiting another city and doing the tourist thing. I think it stands out less than the Camelbak for non-running usage.
So the Nathan won't replace my Camelbak, but I'll switch back and forth between the two, depending on the situation. I'm glad to have it as another piece of running gear!
6.12 miles, 1:13:30 (12:00/mile)
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Running recap 2010
I ran 590 miles in 2010! 2011's figures will include the walk breaks I take, but I'm still calling it all "running." I'll be excited to see what my mileage is this year!
Yearly recap
Run #198 & Run #199 (Resolution Run 5K)
I ran one more time in Albuquerque with my dad, and again it was rough with my tight IT band...lots of walking. That was about 3.5 miles or so.
Today we had a Resolution Run 5K. My IT band is improving (lots of rolling!) but still not there. (I'm really mad at myself for letting my leg and glutes get so tight on vacation...hope it doesn't take too long to get it all worked out.) I had to walk a lot more than I wanted to but that meant I could push my speed that much more during the running segments, so my time was okay.
Happy New Year!!
3.1 miles, 31:03 (10:01/mile)
Today we had a Resolution Run 5K. My IT band is improving (lots of rolling!) but still not there. (I'm really mad at myself for letting my leg and glutes get so tight on vacation...hope it doesn't take too long to get it all worked out.) I had to walk a lot more than I wanted to but that meant I could push my speed that much more during the running segments, so my time was okay.
Happy New Year!!
3.1 miles, 31:03 (10:01/mile)
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